
Hidden advantages of CRM phone system integration

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: December 18, 2023

7 minutes

Inventions that presented earlier gained good views from the users and till now are useful for the work purpose. One of the inventions we would like to unlock today is the “Telephone system”. We will not say to imagine a business without a telephone system because how can someone think about not using the telephone in their work environment. But today’s era used such inventions like the telephone on their regular business activity for different purposes not only just to call. They sync it with software like Customer Relationship Management to reap up a full advantage. We will learn today how CRM with phone integration is the right idea to do.

Let’s now consider the CRM software a king because how can someone expect to gain good profit, uplift their business and get remarkable functionality for their business when there is no CRM. No CRM means you are not managing your business like you should do. Around 91% of the companies prefer to use the CRM software, 13% of the companies said investing in this software for increasing sales is a good idea, 81% of user’s access to CRM from numerous devices and about 74% of customer satisfaction increase when you have this system. 

The statistics about the CRM is not ending here as we have more for you like 87% of the sales will improve, 73% of business efficiency hike up, the customer retention rate will improve to 27% and 43% of CRM users still use half of its functionalities.

Amazing! Such statistics open up every entrepreneur’s eyes to see which software is suitable for their growth. If we talk about the integration matter which is why we wrote this blog then let us tell you that it is perfect to minus your efforts as we already told you in business Integration and SuiteCRM integration. Now if we say CRM phone system integration can happen and is beneficial for you then would you go for this task? No idea how it is perfect? Read out the whole blog thoroughly

List of aspects of CRM with phone integration for your business

  • This is great for your sales teamwork 

Let’s dig deeper into the benefits of CRM integration with phone system and the first point that we want to explore is about the sales team. Your team of sales who manage your sales business will be happy if you integrate both. The sales enable your business to measure Key Performance indicators like call rates, conversion rate, etc. 

Do you want to measure all this from the starting? Now your problem is solved and this integration unlocks more such features for you like call tracking, offering integrating pop-ups, reaching straight to customer’s record and much more. Around 50% of team productivity will improve; conversion rate can be boosted up by CRM at least 300% and 41% revenue will increase.

Phone integration with sales team work
  • You can monitor employee attitude and skills

Every business owner wants to know how their employees are performing whether they are outstanding or not good for your work. How are you tracking their skills? If not then let’s meet the CRM phone system integration because here you have a brilliant chance to track employee’s performance skills. 

If the phone system gets integrated with the enterprise database then you can see proper information sufficiently. You want to know the customer and employee interaction that what they are talking about or whether your employee is maintaining communication well or not. Thanks to this CRM with phone integration for helping you. 

CRM with phone integration for helping
  • You can access to call history of your customers

This is something outstanding we must say. Customer Relationship Management software is well-known to save the conversation and data of their customers but just imagine if integrated with the phone system. Now will it help you or not?Not only this integration enables you to save the recordings of your customers but also keep it in a safe zone. 

You can access that record anytime if needed for your business purpose. We have a great extension for this function called Twilio Auto Dialer where it saves your recording. This is good that you can hear the records to make the decision and also to know how your employees are working.

  • How about increasing the personalization?

When you make one on one interaction with your customers via call then it is a good decision because you are looking to reinforce your business goal so this is the best way but still, you want to hike up the personalization and that would be possible when your phone call integrated with the CRM system

CRM phone system integration enables the user to create a topmost level of personalization and far better in comparison with other software integrated with a telephone system. You have an amazing chance to access the important dataset when having a conversation with anybody. Bear in mind: 52% of the buyers like the personalized service when you offer via call.

CRM Personalized Services
  • Get aware of whether the staff following the script

We already told you above when you make the conversation then it will remain safe just because of CRM with phone integration and you can hear that conversation anytime. There is one more advantage you will get and that is to know whether the staff that made conversation with your customers are following the script or not. 

This is important to know the performance of your employees and if you get to know that they are not following the scripts or they have no idea about that then you can teach them how to deliver via call. Also, you can teach them timing when to communicate with customers.

  • Strive the feature of one-click call

We personally believe that there is a huge pressure on the high level of call center businesses as employees there have to manage the call every minute. But sometimes the customers have to wait in a queue and that creates frustration and they end the call at that time. This is a huge loss to most of the large scale organizations, so why don’t you endeavor for CRM integration with phone system which can save your quality of time and minus your efforts? 

You can manage the incoming and outgoing calls in just one tap when CRM-Phone integration you will do. It is the best feasible solution for your communication and additionally, it boosts up your sales. You can also entail Twilio click to call extension in your business which is basically for this purpose.

  • Telephone integration popups save your time

The staff that are working in your company don’t want to waste their time calling similar customers relentlessly and share the product and service details of their business. It is good only if you find the right customer who is looking at what you already have. 

Here is a big need for CRM phone system integration with popup and this is because it provides access to customer’s history where it helps your employee to know what they need earlier and what they want recently. You can call them and start talking about what they need rather than clarifying basic information about the business. No need to repeat the number who is not interested in your business. Your time saved and efforts too.

  • CRM-Phone integration helps in voicemail automation

Already shared in-depth about the importance of automation in our previous blog but here also this automation in a voicemail is beneficial for your business purpose. How? If you want to create voicemail instead of calling customers then it is possible when you sync voicemail communication with the CRM system. Sounds great! 

CRM-Phone integration doesn’t need any of your staff members to share the memo as you can put hands on plenty of pre-recorded messages and distribute that voicemail in just a few taps that’s it. Again your precious time save! Here your staff can take the advantage as they can move on to the next call and start making the conversation.

CRM phone integration services

Final thoughts

 If a superior software like CRM which can improve 50% of productivity when using mobile, forecast accuracy by 42% and 74% of customers’ data you can access then there is no doubt to say that it is a perfect choice to integrate with other platforms. After sharing a piece of information about SugarCRM integration and WhatsApp Integration CRM, we decided to unhide the CRM with phone integration and to see what it is and how it is an accurate choice for your business enhancement. Well, sharing the hidden advantages, we believe that you will surely like your business work now as this integration takes some burden of your work and eases your efforts. Hope you read out all eight points thoroughly which indicates that CRM integration with phone system is much-needed, so what will be your decision now? Still use other vintage software to integrate with telephone or you have faith in CRM now?

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