
Maximize Business growth with WhatsApp CRM Integration

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: December 14, 2023

6 minutes

If we say that 65 billion messages are sent every day from one of the top-most social media applications then you all will start using that app. After all, popularity matters the most for all of us. So here we mention that messaging app called “WhatsApp” which has this real statistic. But we believe that software like Customer Relationship Management should be involved and WhatsApp CRM Integration should be applied. Why? 

The popular messaging application WhatsApp has 2 billion active users and also 2 billion minutes of voice and video calls made on this application. This shows how this app is far better in comparison with other social media applications. Now let’s talk about the time spending as users spend an average of 195 minutes on this application weekly. 

After reading this, we don’t think so other applications can reach the level of WhatsApp. We did research and got to know that there are around 1 billion WhatsApp groups on this application. This indicated that people are active on this app and whenever they think about using any social media app, they choose WhatsApp first. 

The question now is why there is a need for WhatsApp to get integrated with the Customer Relationship Management (CRM)? There are some more doubts we want to clear of you all. Let’s dive into the pool now-

What is WhatsApp Business API?

We are going to plunge into CRM integration with WhatsApp. Before that, we need to understand WhatsApp business API. It is basically for the medium and large scale organization where they can make their business service available whenever their customers are and when they need to scale. With the assistance of this, businesses chatbots are built-in where it can find out the customer’s crucial queries at scale. Your business brand will reach to everyone. There are around 3 billion users of WhatsApp business. Big deal! 

WhatsApp business api

Why is WhatsApp CRM Integration is much-needed for business?

Like we understood a key role of CRM systems in big industries like CRM banking, CRM Travel industry, etc we now need to keep attention that how this CRM integration helps in social media platforms like WhatsApp. This is the crux of this whole blog so read out all the points given below-

  • You will receive the WhatsApp notification on CRM

91% of businesses prefer to use a Customer Relationship Management system in their work. They believe that this software has everything they need in today’s time. So, let’s come to the point now as we are talking about WhatsApp CRM Integration then we want to inform you that you can receive your WhatsApp notification in this software perfectly. 

No such requirement to check both the WhatsApp and CRM and then start your work. Too old idea! Manage your work of WhatsApp here too as you have a chance to change the status of leads. Also, maintain communication of your prospects on CRM. 

  • Understand the advantage of BI-Directional data sync

We already informed you the importance of BI-Directional data sync on our extension of SuiteCRM Filter manager where it is easy to manage the data on platforms. If we talk about the WhatsApp CRM Integration then you can adapt the feature of bi-directional regarding the customer’s contacts and data. 

We know that you find this hectic like saving the contact on WhatsApp and important chats on CRM software. Let’s just avoid this old method as from now all such processes go automatically done on both these platforms.

WhatsApp CRM
  • Simple to create WhatsApp records on CRM software

300% conversation rate will hike up when you use software like CRM in your business. Around 34% of sales productivity will rise and increase of the sale would be 29% when you have the system CRM in your work. This indicated that CRM always plays an essential role in every activity. 

Let’s see how this system helps WhatsApp business API more as you can maintain all your records in your CRM. Let us inform you that you need to customize SuiteCRM for creating the call module where it can save all such WhatsApp records that you want. And, the best part is you can pick up and dial a call of WhatsApp contact persons from this CRM system which is a plus point for you and can maintain good communication perfectly. 

  • Quick feedback from the customers can happen

Around 450 million users use WhatsApp stories regarding promoting business products or services. But now you will get instant feedback and can share the flawless experience if you work on WhatsApp business API integration with the CRM software. What is the role here? So, what you have to do is fetch the database from the SugarCRM, one of the crucial CRM software in the business. 

After that, you can send that feedback and service links to your customers on their WhatsApp number from CRM software. You must learn the whole concept of CRM as resources said that 65% like this software because of its easy work process. Furthermore, 64.2 companies say CRM is very much impactful. 

WhatsApp CRM Features
  • Want to monitor the customer’s information?

WhatsApp has 68.1 million users in the United States as 84% of small businesses think that this application can help them to communicate better with customers. Also, 3 billion companies are using WhatsApp business API. Now, if we mention the CRM software then it has the adoption rate of 26%. 

This is why we wrote the blog to inform you that both platforms need to get integrated. Coming to the point about the next feature related to monitoring the communication. If possible WhatsApp CRM Integration for you then you can see the dashboard in SuiteCRM where you can track the communication of your leads and also can check out the customer’s entire queries. You can work on that after reading out everything. 

How to use WhatsApp CRM integration? How does it work?

  • First, you need to register your WhatsApp with your business number and then your personal number and business number both will be separate. Here you can use this process of working on the landline number of your office where you have to register it with WhatsApp CRM integration matter.
  • Now you can do CRM calls as all the incoming and outgoing calls and messages too will come straight to your CRM system, not on your mobile phone. 
  • You are watching that CRM working on messages and calls, so it can also be used in the automation matter.
  • Incoming messages you can read when using the CRM software, so it can also trigger special action and notification both. 

Final thoughts

It can be shocking for you but the fact is 29 million messages are sent per minute on WhatsApp application. We don’t think so we need to expound more about WhatsApp. Stats are enough to describe how superior application of social media it is these days. Around 70% of the users check this application on a daily basis. We believe that today integrating the platform with the next system is going to save your countless hours. This is the reason we wrote this blog about WhatsApp CRM Integration. WhatsApp remains dominant if integrated with the advanced software like CRM in your business. Understand the whole benefits above regarding WhatsApp business API integration with CRM that how it can assist you.

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