
Gain deeper insight of CRM For Hotel industry

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: February 28, 2023

7 minutes

Customer relationship management software is one of the most efficient and reliable tool in the hotel industry. It allows hotels to execute daily tasks with much more efficiency and reliability. CRM for Hotels also allows hotels to target their audience with more personalized communication. It can build long-lasting and enriched relationships with their customers and clients. 

CRM acts as a guest database for hotel management. Hotels can utilize CRM as an added advantage and benefit from the information related to the guest. Information such as the likes and dislikes of the guests and their preferences. This allows the hotel management to engage with the guests in a more personalized and tailored manner and way. 

Hotels have invested a lot of time and money in introducing CRM software. This is due to the simple fact that the customer-centric industries have realized its untapped potential and how it can be utilized to better improve their services

SuiteCRM for Hotels

SuiteCRM is one of the most popular SuiteCRM Software used by small and large businesses. It is absolutely free and it has the feature to customize workflows for business process optimization. Users can implement Customizations to suit their business requirements. And, can integrate their SuiteCRM software with third-party applications for ease of access. Not only that with the help of process automation, but also increase productivity.

What are the Features of an Ideal Hotel CRM Software

As we all are well aware that CRM is an abbreviation for customer relationship management. Customer relationship management allows businesses to manage customer interactions and behavior. In the hotel industry, there are multiple aspects of CRM functionality. Like the sales team works to attain group businesses and the marketing team concentrates on looking for more holiday travelers. 

Some more CRM for the sales team focuses on 1 on 1  conversation. Whereas marketing CRM handles much more complicated interactions. It should have the ability to support a huge database that is actionable and up to date. 

CRM Hotel features

We useful points to keep in mind when it comes to choosing a Hotel CRM Software

Compatibility With the Existing System

A new CRM platform should have the ability to integrate with the existing ongoing system, in order to avoid any unnecessary hassles and setbacks. 

Ease of Communication

Communication is at the core of the hotel business. CRM should be able to support multiple methods of communication. CRM for a hotel business should record communication in the form of email, text and online as well. 

Automation process

Businesses can no longer depend on lengthy and time consuming manual processes and therefore it is essential to automate processes to avoid wasting valuable time and effort. 


Spending money on something that you are not going to use later is also something that one should avoid when looking for a suitable CRM Software for your business. So it is advised to select a CRM that fits within the limits of your budget. And that allows changes in the future. 

Open for Modifications

CRM should allow future changes and modification as the business grows, it should not be rigid and should be flexible and open for improvisations in the future. 

Safe and Secure

CRM is mostly a cloud-based platform that makes working on it that much easier, however, it also means that your information can be stolen and misused. 

Easily Accessible 

An ideal CRM should allow users to function even when they are not in the office, which means users should be able to perform their daily tasks even when they are on the go without having to compromise their productivity. 

Since we have mentioned the key points of a CRM for Hotels, let us now discuss the multiple approaches of a CRM software.

CRM for B2C for Hotels

This particular CRM software helps in assisting individual guest requirements. Information gathered by such CRM helps in delivering more personalized assistance to guests during their stay in the hotel.

As well as provide more accurate marketing tactics to create possibilities of bookings in the future. Guest room settings can be set according to their profile during their time of stay in the hotel and guests can also receive birthday greetings every year. All guest related information and communication are made available in the CRM platform, which helps in building a detailed profile for each guest.

Suitecrm Hotel B2C

This also assists in the operations of the sales, marketing and support department. This way guests past communications will remain intact even when the guests choose to change the mode of communication.

Such a multifaceted approach allows businesses to deliver highly efficient customer service. This is also reflected in the automation process of the marketing department supervised by CRM. Drip campaigns should also be available for b2C interaction. This increases the possibility of converting potential leads into sales and generate more revenue for the hotels. 

CRM also enables hotel management to gain a deeper understanding of customer feedback on multiple social media platforms. This process of gaging customer interaction on social media platforms becomes easier with the help of an integrated reputation management tool and linking customer email with customers’ social profile.

Some more attractive features include keeping a track of customer interaction and behavior while engaging with the hotels brand, this also includes creating groups of profiles with similarities in order to send out more focused promotions and reputation management. 

Here are some of the Top B2C Hotel CRM Software


Revinate is a perfect combination of marketing automation with the CRM platform. This helps the sales and marketing department of the hotel to send more focused promotions and utilizing customer information to further enrich customer experience during their stay in the hotel premises. 

It has more such big functionality such as offering you guest forms and survey feedback, easily tracking the performance by checking the booking rates and customer satisfaction data, and here the functionality of the Marketing campaign enables you to create and manage the campaign for various hotel locations. 

When you are under the Revinate software of CRM then you can use the booking method, getting aware of the total number of stays and night, total money spent, and much more. 


Fort-Sight by Forth

The Fort SIght CRM allows hotels to personalize customer interactions and also gives the customer a platform to give valuable feedback to further work upon the areas of improvement and create a more desirable environment for the guests during their stay in the hotel. 

If you need services in a professional way then this software we must say a remarkable one for your Hotel sector. This is one of the software of CRM for Hotel industry that everyone should adapt. It enables you to grab customer information from various platforms such as Wifi registration, PMS Tools, Reputation management, and much more to enrich your work experience. 

If you need software for more to upsell and want to do marketing in a smarter way then you should go for For-Sight first. You can watch functionalities like campaign building, data management, marketing automation, and much more. 

Fort-Sight by Forth


Navis concentrates on creating a seamless synchronization between the sales, marketing and support departments and also helps in increasing productivity and creating possibilities for future bookings. 

This software called Navis introduced just to minus the efforts of sales and marketing, analytical feedback, sales department, etc. And one of the main functionality is Marketing suite which enables you in survey, automation, preference recognition, segmentation and much more for your hotel business enhancement. 

Here when using this tool, it combines the analytics data of the sales and marketing department and that helps your business to get aware of your ROI and KPI. Also, you will get to know about your coming marketing strategies and potential customers. 


Guestfolio by Cendyn

Guestfolio by cendyn unites guest data with the marketing automation process, it uses a unique approach to view guest profile and guarantees personalization of communication with the guests in accordance with the guest profile. 


Direct by Travel click 

Direct by Travel click delivers highly sophisticated CRM platforms for hoteliers. It can also be referred to as a guest management tool, that focuses on personalized and tailored customer communication according to the guest profile. 

travel click


Let’s talk about one of the most common and fast-growing CRM software in this digital world called Copper CRM which syncs with the G-suite. When you operate this magnificent software in your hotel business then it shows you a customer data dashboard which is freely accessible for the entire team of your hotel business.

Moreover, you always receive the notification about the contacts and also stay-up-to-date about the tracking of your sales or booking opportunities. If you like the application process then let us inform you that Copper has an app for Android and IOS for your speedy response to customers. 


In Conclusion

Here we discussed in great lengths the importance of CRM in the hotel industry, we have also discuss the essential features of an ideal CRM for hotels. We also mentioned some Hotel CRM Software that is suitable for hotels and also discusses there features in elaborate detail. This article will certainly assist you in making a more suitable and profitable choice for your hotels. 

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