
Why Human resource agencies strive for Text messaging first?

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: January 16, 2025

7 minutes

Human resource agencies are evolving these days with their new concept and of course, the industry is at a peak in today’s era. The human resource agency is well-known because of its communication purpose as they always maintain seamless communication all the time. Their HR representatives prefer the call platform an utmost importance for the job seekers. What if we say that there is one more option called Short Message Service which is also most prominent and can be beneficial for your agencies? Yes, you have read out correct as SMS is also one of the accurate choices to maintain seamless communication.

It’s time to delve deeper into the real statistics about SMS platform as 75% of the consumers are comfortable receiving SMS regarding brands, 64% of users want that business should contact them via SMS and 83% of millennial open SMS within 90 seconds. Want to know more such amazing statistics about SMS communication platform? Here we go- 19% of the links in text messages are clicked, around 98% of sending text messages are read, 47% of the education industry prefer SMS platform first, 90% of customers gained value from the SMS loyalty program and 83% of marketers use the SMS strategy for the email subscription promotion.

It’s really amazing to see a communication platform is ruling everywhere or in every sector. Today we unlock the industry and present Human resource agencies who should make this SMS their priority soon. We have plenty of reasons to share why SMS the Human resource agency should endeavor. Just stick to this blog to know those big reasons

Reasons that Human resource agencies should choose SMS first

  • It’s quite simple for interview scheduling task

We are going to share the gist of this whole blog and the first reason to choose the SMS first is about the interview scheduling task. An HR Representative has to hire the right one for their agency who performs better and has the ability to fulfill all your goals swiftly. 

You start hiring by calling one by one to the job seekers and we know that your later job is to confirm them via text messaging. Correct? 

But here look at the text message and turn it into an opportunity as text messaging means you can share a high volume of text messaging because calling one by one is sometimes a tedious task. Furthermore, it’s essential to build up the targeted list of the candidates because you want to know who the right one for your agency is or who is not suitable.

interview scheduling using txt messaging
  • You will get the textual proof for your job seekers

SMS is ruling in every sector like 73% of the real estate users prefer SMS first, 50% of the airlines want the SMS platform before using any other communication platform, 48% of the automotive industry use SMS platform and around 65% of the agriculture industry strive for SMS first. 

Well, coming back to the point and talking about the Human resource agencies regarding the SMS communication then let us tell you that it is good for interviews reminding purpose.

After you set the schedule for the interview, you can share the date and time even with the venue to your candidate via SMS. This is correct because you have generated a textual proof that you maintain a communication and then can send a similar message again for the reminders later on.

  • Sending cancellation SMS will not harm your business

Around 81% of the professional said that they use SMS for business, 73% of the organization ready to hike up their SMS budget in coming years, 26% of missed appointment reduced after businesses prefer SMS to send the appointment reminder and there is a 45% of response rate of SMS in comparison with email which has only 8%. 

Short Message Service is a perfect option for big agencies like Human Resource Management. Like if the situation comes when you have to cancel the interview due to whatever reason. It is good if you select the option of last-minute cancellation text messages to your candidate who is looking to reach you. 

You don’t want the situation to occur when a candidate gets frustrated because you cancel when they reach your office. It will not bother you if you prefer last-minute cancellation messages and most importantly, it will not harm your business reputation in the market.

  • Promoting and updating is a good decision

When it’s about promotion and all then let us inform you that SMS marketing beat email marketing with a 98% open rate and also there is just 1% SPAM. SMS has the power to hike up brand visibility and boost up CTRs up to 39%, 3.5 trillion SMS messages will be sent in 2023 and 80% of users prefer SMS just because it is convenient and even unobtrusive. 

Many big sectors make SMS their first platform to maintain seamless communication and Human resource agencies are one of them. This industry is always forward in regarding promotion and updates. When a Human resource agency has SMS text messages then they can use it for promotion purposes like for job placement opportunity. 

This is good that you are giving a hundred percent to the job seekers to grab this chance soon. Also, with the help of SMS text messages why don’t you update your candidate and clients about the latest happening? It is a plus point if you keep on updating them to make their interest.

  • Use Google Map to share the exact location

Last but certainly not least as many candidates can’t reach on time because they get confused about the right direction straight to your agency. You have shared the date, time and venue but that doesn’t mean every candidate knows the way of your agency and reaches you without any hurdle. 

It will be a good option if you share the exact location via text message by including Google map which is a handy move. They will be comfortable if you share the Google map direction via text message as you are responsible for guiding your candidate on how to reach your agency. 

google map integration

A big thanks to the SMS text messaging which is a relevant option for the Human resource agencies as the SMS has good real-statistics like 95% of the text message are read and response within 3 minutes of delivery and 59% of users want to build communication on the phone as they don’t want to download any app for reading out the message. And if about the customer service then 56% of people said that customer service is perfect via SMS in comparison with calling them.

Twilio SMS API extension for sharing remarkable functionalities

How many of you find this one by one sending SMS a tedious task in your business? You are not alone to feel this as many of the users don’t want to waste their time because one by one sending SMS means you have to give your 2-3 hours here to share SMS with your clients. Why don’t you put hands on one of the stellar extensions of today’s time called Twilio SMS API in your work activity? You have a question why? Read out the below paragraph thoroughly-

The big role of this extension called Twilio SMS API is to send SMS in bulk to your contact members where in just one click, your SMS will be sent to plenty of contact persons at a single time. The plugin is time-saving as you already know that you don’t have to select and send SMS one by one and that saves your countless hours in business. The addon has more such exceptional functions like here you can save the conversations of your customers of any person to whom you share the message. 

Twilio SMS API

There is a feature of SMS templates too in Twilio SMS API which assists you for getting engaged with customers swiftly. Moreover, an opt-out option is there where you have to write and then send STOP and you will not get the conversation from that person.

Track result

We have heard the name Human resource agencies that this sector is booming fame and ready to show some great magic in the coming year. But most of the users have this mind-set that the HR representatives have to just accept the call or make a call for the job seekers. They have several other projects to do but if they dive into the hiring process then we don’t want that they should always adapt the calling method. Text messaging has bundles of advantages to enrich your experience as we have shared above the top five reasons why Human resource agency should entail text messaging strategy for the hiring candidate. They can do multiple works with the assistance of Text messages. So, what will be your next target, take your phone and start calling or take your phone and start sharing details via SMS?

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