
What is SMS API and what are the trending SMS APIs today?

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: February 4, 2025

8 minutes

Calling one by one to any of your business partners is day by day becoming an old school method. We are living in an advanced era where everything is possible and the task gets completed in an effective way. Strive for the SMS option where texting a person is a more realistic option instead of dialing the number and managing the communication. Suppose it’s time to reach numerous users and you have to fulfill this need swiftly so what will you do? No, don’t say text them one by one and waste 9hrs in business here. SMS API is the best solution for this. How?

What is SMS API? 

A term SMS API refers to an advanced software interface which has the main goal of sending short messages programmatically to the customers or anyone. Here this superior platform uses the SMS gateway for sending the messages which play a role of middlemen for connecting telecommunication carrier network and world wide web. Once you start adapting this platform in your business activities then it is ready to open up its toolbox with good features like checking out the status of the messages, get access to recipients to respond where no need to have password authentication and much more. Sounds great!

Well, these days we feel grateful to have the SMS function in our work which saves lots of countless hours in the business of everyone. Like we researched and got to know that SMS response rates are 295% higher in comparison with the phone calls, 90% of users read the SMS within 3 minutes, 19% is the “click-through rate” of SMS, just 1% of SMS marketing message consider spam and 79% of mobile marketers endeavor for SMS tactics first to grab prospects.

Mobile SMS API

Reading such great real-statistics, it clears our doubt that it’s hard to match the level of SMS these days and yes, SMS APIs also strengthen your work. Today we decided to build-up an article not just to define this platform API of SMS that how good it is but also we are going to enlist some stellar SMS APIs of this year that you don’t know. Hold your breath and read out the article till the end.

Ultimate Short Messaging Service API platforms that are wonderful

  • TeleSign Score API 

The blog is going to be very informative so let’s start with our first SMS gateway and the name is TeleSign Score API which is available worldwide for entire users who need an outstanding platform for SMS. 

It has great functionalities like providing reputation to phone numbers which are the best job just to recognize the fraud activities that are going on everywhere and it relies on traffic patterns and machine learning for the basic purpose of catching up fraudulent numbers. Suppose if you submit your phone number to the API then it just evaluates and the score will return as you need the score to get aware of fraud level risk.

TeleSign SMS API
  • Twilio SMS API platform

Gone are the days where you have to send Short Messaging Service to your customer one by one because it’s not only hectic but also a waste of time. Outright Store has presented an extension for your business called Twilio SMS which has this functionality to send SMS in bulk to your customers at a single time. 

In just one tap, you can send messages to your plenty of customers. Makes sense! Here we will say that the extension is time-saving for every business and can be useful for the Banking Industry or Travel Industry. This plugin also has a feature of opt-out where you can STOP getting the conversation if you want to. Additionally, in this Twilio SMS API, you can also save the conversation of your customers.

Twilio SMS API
  • Nexmo API

One of the most trending SMS APIs we are going to uncover now is Nexmo API where every developer has a big advantage to embed message and voice capabilities into business systems and websites. 

If you delve deeper into its features then it is also ready to offer you the bulk SMS advantage and even offer you a private SMS option for the communication purpose. And one of the best features here we would say is verifying the phone numbers and sending an event-based notification to the customers. This event-based notification is something unprecedented which most of you are not aware of it earlier.

  • TeleSign SMS verify API

Most of you are worried about the security when it time to put hands on the Short Messaging Service API but you don’t need to stay fret when you have this platform called TeleSign SMS verify API where you have a brilliant chance to verify the authenticity of every user and yes, it focuses more on security for web and mobile applications. Big deal! 

Let’s dive into its functionality as it uses the API for the two-factor authentication and sends you one time passcodes to Facebook Messenger users, it cleanses phone numbers for the purpose of increased delivery, etc. Everyone knows the importance of Integration, so we would say here that this platform syncs with message delivery notification, reminders, etc.

TeleSign SMS API
  • Twilio Lookup API

Here when using this Twilio SMS API, you have a chance to grab more additional information about phone numbers which do not create a difficult situation to get from other SMS platforms. This SMS API has lower undelivered text message, share local friendly phone number format and much more. 

Many want that caller names should always be mentioned, so this platform has this facility and here the API can look up the phone number from the carrier worldwide. Every user will get complete information about the SDKs just for getting started swiftly.

Twilio lookup SMS API
  • Twilio Verify Phone Number API

This Twilio SMS API is well-known for easy to use the platform as you will see that you can put hands to validate the phone number ownership here, minus fraudulent accounts, make security stronger to reinforce your communication all the time. 

We need such kind of platforms of Short Messaging Service more in every industry as this platform sends verification code to a user’s device and this is for the security because it just wants that the code is authentic or not. Bear in mind: whenever you will receive a code from there, it always comes via SMS or voice that’s it.

twilio verify phone number
  • MessageBird SMS Gateway API

Have you heard this Short Messaging Service API? Let’s introduce our next member of SMS APIs and the name is MessageBird which is an Amsterdam based Telecom organization which easily offers the APIs just for the simplifying SMS, Chat and Voice conversation. 

It will begin its role by helping the developer to embed the sending and receiving the text message to their app. When you put hands on this kind of SMS platform then every message here is accompanied by a unique ID first. Why? The reason is to verify the delivery status of the messages only. Want to keep attention on the invalid phone numbers? API will help you here.

Message Bird SMS API
  • D7SMS

Most of you have not heard about this platform perhaps you have already the best but nevertheless, it’s important to know about this SMS platform called D7SMS. We shared with you about the Business Integration and Ecommerce integration before to guide you about the importance of sync. Here the D7SMS is well-known for the integration with software or with the applications where it’s not so challenging for you to reach the audience promptly. 

Here the platform is brilliant for the work process of SMS notification and communication simultaneously. The API here has the three main endpoints and those were: Balance, Send and the last but not least Sendbatch.

  • Octopush SMS API

The role of the next API SMS platform begins with sending SMS through your business system and also from the applications. The French-based online service has some bundled advantages and to reap its features let us inform you here that you can strive deliver reports to check and manage, two-factor authentication functionality and most importantly it sends push SMS and schedule SMS. 

The platform can also monitor your credit balance here. Let’s understand the integration aspect here as the Octopush SMS API sync with Gmail, Dropbox, Zendesk and with more than 300 apps.

Octopush SMS API
  • Free SMS8 API

Here again, users have a chance to send the bulk of SMS but this time only to the Indian Mobile phone number. This free Short Messaging Service API is available only in India but here sending an SMS text to your customers is quite an easy job and sending bulk feature is hard to find these days but this platform offers you to ease your efforts. 

Furthermore, when dealing with such an exceptional platform in today’s time then you reap the benefits like sending group SMS, Classified message, schedule message and much more to enrich your experience. The platform is easy to use and the documentation is not so complex.

SMS API Pricing

Summing Up

Luckily, we don’t have just one or two SMS APIs platform for our day to day business work. Plenty of SMS platforms today that we shared above prove that the messaging platform is always available to open up their doors to start running your business and get connected with various prospects in today’s time. This is not true that those who like to get connected via call should also strive for SMS as everyone has their own choice but you will be comfortable when working on the Short Messaging Service API which offers magnificent advantages to tailor your needs. Above we have shared in-depth about SMS platform of API entails Twilio SMS API, so now you need to set a decision that which according to you is a correct one and is utmost important for your work activity.

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