
How three trending SugarCRM Editions helps in business development?

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: January 30, 2025

8 minutes

Nowadays the working format of every venture turns to easiest instead of a complex now as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays an essential role in everyone’s life. You can also highlight the CRM is one of the most prominent methods and best assistance in day to day business activities. How about talking about its software which has strengthened every business and offers much better flexibility all the time?

Correct, we are introducing here the software called SugarCRM which from starting till now always a great platform that has exceptional functions and gives unprecedented features for its users. Even its editions too as you all are very well aware of Sugar Professional, Sugar Enterprise and Sugar Ultimate. A few months back SugarCRM has launched three most prominent SugarCRM Editions that play the role of a key to open up the growth of every business whether about marketing or about customer service or anything. Allow us to share their names:

  • Sugar Market
  • Sugar Sell
  • Sugar Serve

Now SugarCRM has a total of six editions for your work; the top three in the above paragraph you all have read out. It’s time to share the rest of these three editions in brief which can be beneficial for business development. Hold your breath and read the whole blog as we expound every edition with its features.

Three SugarCRM Editions for growth of your organization

Sugar Market

How many of you like the marketing process to adopt to catch-up more customers and maintain good relationships with existing customers? Of course, you all like and you invest a huge amount on the marketing campaign to get the best skyrocket growth in business and better Return of Investment. 

Do you think that the process is quite easy to do? It can be much easier if endeavour with the best marketing campaign management software, so shake hands with SugarCRM Editions called Sugar Market to get your job done and your campaign runs as you wanted. Its features:

Run effective campaign using Sugar Market

If your goal is to make the most marketing automation then the suitable platform is Sugar Market for this task where it can shine your goal of running an effective marketing campaign easily. You will get the opportunity to create and manage a single email and the best part is it triggers the campaign just to upsurge conversion rate.

You can create landing pages now

If you strive for the best Sugar Market then you can also meet up with the feature of creating landing pages. It’s a great chance to save your quality of time for creating landing pages automation, you can choose the in-built template and the best part is the drag and drop element is there for creating landing pages by yourself.

SugarCRM Market

Is it possible to integrate Sugar Market with SugarCRM?

You already know the importance of Integration these days and good news for you if you adopt Sugar Market that it’s easy to integrate it with SugarCRM. 

You have a chance to integrate and get access to the customer database. Let us share the interesting part for you as you can have real-time synchronization of data which is useful for you to meet your target marketing campaign. You can also get in touch with the extensions Like Drip Campaign for marketing purposes. 

Sugar Serve

You all want to keep yourself away from sharing the overwhelming options for customers which create big confusion. You can’t share the incomparable experience with them if you don’t know what they actually want. 

To share the seamless experience to parse customers and hear what their queries are, hope your business has dovetailed with this SugarCRM Edition and that is Sugar Serve. You can resolve the entire queries of your customers more swiftly if you adopt Sugar Serve now. Well, we are not ending here about Serve edition, let us share its features that how it can help you all-

It can save your business cost

You always think twice and thrice before investing your money on customer service as you have earned it with lots of hard work. You want a better ROI for your work and even want to make a strong relationship with your customers. 

So parse a chance with Sugar Serve which can cut down your business cost which you need. Save your money and improve the customer service as Sugar Serve will assist you to make the services not only easier and simpler but also make it cost-effective for your business development.

Make a good relationship with customers

You already got hints after reading out the heading regarding relationships with customers. If you give the best service or improve customer experience then it’s a great signal for your business to make a relationship with them. 

We already told you getting engaged with the customer and solving their issues can make them feel valued. So, in short, it’s the best SugarCRM Edition to make good contacts with customers, just focus on what they need and make sure to fulfil it quickly.

SugarCRM Serve

You can get access to previous customer’s information

Most organizations like this idea to capture the previous information of their customers as they want to get access more quickly. 

They failed to do so. It’s not easy but we have a solution called Sugar Serve and this edition will help you to access information like customer history, customer activities, a relevant insight of customers and many more. 

And this will help you all to share the personalized service to your customers. Entire information at a single platform what else do you need. Worth to select Sugar Serve!

Sugar Sell

Related to purchase and sale of a product, your competitors are giving their hundred percent and they just avoid the outdated sales management software. Are you? Hope you are not in touch with any outdated sales management software but still if you are or if you want the software then let us introduce to you Sugar Sell. 

Why? You are looking to get the perfect end to end sale solution then we don’t think so there is any better software as compared to Sugar Sell. The software plays a prominent role to tell in brief about your customers, about the details of your company and the future of your work. 

You want to hone your goals of empowering your venture’s employee about the right information at the correct time. Sugar Sell is the holistic method for you and if you want to know more about it then we have jotted down some features of it. Let’s understand-

Track customer history and behaviour

Have you set your goals to view 360 degrees to customers? If you failed on this then the reason must be adopting outdated sales management software but using Sugar Sell then is no such chance you can get to know about your customers properly. 

Moreover, you can keep track of your entire customer’s history and even behaviour for your business activity. You can hone your goals now as it’s a great way to engage your customer better and yes, the customer retention rate will improve.

Save your time for searching products

Let us explain to you why this edition software can save your time as mostly what we all do is when we want to search a product we go straight to excel large file and search that product. 

Why to waste time when you have Sugar Sell as it will assist you to put your product catalog. This saves your precious time as you can search and browse any product that you want to. Users always go there which offers better assistance, so we are sure that you will definitely like this software for your organization.

SugarCRM Sell

Team productivity will boost up if adopt Sugar Sell

There is no one who doesn’t want their business productivity or team productivity to improve. A good chance to shake hands with Sell edition which is well-known for sharing a complete set of sales automation tools. 

Furthermore, if you have already set your goals to get engaged with your clients then it’s a better choice. Many are suffering from management pipeline issues or their efforts towards manual data entry. Now you can work with ease as Sugar Sell cut this hassle for your work and give much better functionality for your day to day activity.

Latest SugarCRM Editions Pricing Chart-2020

Sugar Edition Support Versions Release Date Price
Sugar Market

Unlimited users, Unlimited emails and landing pages, Phone support 9.1 – 9.2 1 August 2019 $1000/month
Sugar Sell

2 sandbox instances, 60 GB storage, Phone support 9.1 – 9.2 1 August 2019 $80.00/user/month
Sugar Serve

2 sandbox instances, 60 GB storage, 4 Support-authorized contacts 9.1 – 9.2 1 August 2019 $80.00/user/month
Sugar Ultimate

Email filters, Tile view for tasks and cases and Case resolution field 8.0 – 9.0 – 9.1 – 9.2 – 9.3 11 June 2019 $150/user/month
Sugar Enterprise

Advanced workflow with SugarBPM, SQL-based reporting and Accelerated support SLAs 8.0 – 9.0 – 9.1 – 9.2 – 9.3 —- $85/user/month
Sugar Professional

Standard support SLAs, Support via SugarCRM Support Portal, 2 Support-authorized contacts 8.0 – 9.0 – 9.1 – 9.2 – 9.3 —- $52/user/month

Track Results

SugarCRM is one of the greatest and most advanced software platforms to work on but wait; not only the software even SugarCRM Editions can help you by giving you much better features like you expected. Now you are well-aware of six-editions of SugarCRM software but the above three which we have explained are utmost important for your business. If we talk about Pricing matter, the cost is not too high. Make cost your second priority and understand the piece of content regarding the editions functionality that how it brings a change in your business and brings a boost in business development. Read out the whole blog and understand SugarCRM latest editions and their pricing too.

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