
How SugarCRM Community Edition can help your business?

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: January 28, 2025

3 minutes

Looking for an open-source CRM edition? Well, some of you readers already know it and some are still confused about what it is so we want all of you to get aware of SugarCRM Community Edition which is provided by the top CRM system, SugarCRM. And you know what’s the best part about this edition? SugarCRM Community Edition is considered to be the most popular edition of SugarCRM which offers all the advanced features that you require for your business growth. In fact, we want to awake you with the fact that SugarCRM Community Edition 6.5 was the latest version and after this, SugarCRM directly shifted to the paid environment. Well, that’s the separate thing as this Community Edition is still fully potential folks. Some more information we have, so let’s get into dig and find out something more interesting about the SugarCRM Community Edition.

What features SugarCRM CE offers to its users?

Well, after reading out a brief intro, now the time is to see how this edition that is SugarCRM Community Edition is beneficial for your business tasks. Let’s have a look and find out how it can be interesting-

  • When you use this SugarCRM edition, you can check it out that it offers some multiple hosting options to its users. We can also highlight those options and those were on-demand, on-premise, and private cloud.
  • Many of us are totally involved in mobile phones because our work process starts from there and here the best part is, this SugarCRM Edition is a mobile capable CRM. It can save your time.
  • Now about the coding structure as you all are aware of the CE coding concept so now your all knowledge regarding the coding of CE is going to help you with using the latest edition of Sugar. How? The reason is the coding structure is similar so it will be easy for you to switch if you want to.
  • Here working on SugarCRM Community Edition makes you feel like you have owned the CRM system. How? Of course, you can make use of hosting, source code, upgrades and also support. It is hard to find other editions which offer such kind of facilities.
feature of community edition

What is the procedure to install SugarCE 6.5x?

Chances are very high that you have set your mind now to use this SugarCRM Edition so we have decided to show you the complete process step by step what to follow for the installation of Sugar CE 6.5x.
Have a look -:

  • Your first step is to download Linux, Mac, Windows version of PHP, Web Server, Database. This should be done according to your requirements.
  • Next step is to download the Sugar files and then copy your Sugar files to your web server.
  • Third step is to navigate the php.ini file and the file is located on the Sugar root directory.
  • After completing the above steps, set the variable_order parameter to EGPCS.
  • Now restart your web server and last, just install SugarCRM CE with the Sugar Setup wizard.

Concluding note

You all know that this version is free for the users but the SugarCRM shifted towards the paid version. Still, we get to know that many users operate this version and some want to know more about it. We have explained to you a brief detail and also aware you the steps what to follow if you want to install SugarCRM CE. I hope you guys now understand the features that it will offer to you.

"Outright Store has decades of experience in delivering SugarCRM integration, customization and migration services. Contact our support staff today and we will be glad to assist you."

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