
10 Surprising ways to collect email addresses for your work activity

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: December 15, 2023

7 minutes

Apart from collecting customers business data for whatever the reason we are adding one more important aspect for the business and that is collecting email addresses for your activity. Isn’t it a daunting task these days? Some ponder that it’s too simple, all you have to do is just ask them and they will share their email address without asking a single question. Let us share the reality and that is it is quite tricky to get the email address of customers. Why?

You have this mindset that every prospect will share their email addresses with you but why do they do this? Have you ever asked this question to yourself why the prospect will share the email with you only? Some play dirty tricks and some present a platform where customers easily share their details and trust you blindly and we want that you should go with the second option rather than any dirty tricks to lose them. Your boss said that to collect email addresses because these days the email contact list is a very crucial asset of the business and it’s good that you are collecting every day on time.  

What are the best practices or how easy to collect the email address of anyone for your business? Now, this is a big question as many of you tried many tactics and failed, so it’s time to put hands on the next great ideas of collecting emails. Read out the whole content thoroughly

Best ways of email tips to collect the addresses for business

  • Present the best and most valuable for them

So this first step that you have to follow is offering something valuable for them. Have you ever asked yourself “Does this email is valuable for them or not”? 

If not then you made a huge mistake and now the time is to avoid such mistakes as you must offer something valuable for them when you send an email because chances are very high or we say huge where they share their email addresses with you. Present a coupon code for gifts, some exciting prizes, etc which create interest and ask them to share their emails. Here you have to play the “give and take” game smartly.

  • Where are you placing sign-up forms?

This is a big question as you are working hard to create a newsletter sign-up form but where are you keeping it? It is good that you are working on this because it is the best way to collect the email address of the prospects who visit your website to see what you are and what you are offering. 

But it is very important for you to place those sign-up forms at prominent places in your website where you get the email address and no visitor feels like it stops their work. You can collect the email of your visitors from the website and blogs of your website by sharing the sign-up form there.

sign-up forms email addresses
  • Contest is the best idea for this task

Daily we open social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter and what we see is contests and contests going on and it is created by most of the big businesses. The idea is not bad because they are promoting their products in front of the audience by creating contests and what is important here is they also get the email address swiftly without any hurdle. 

Do you want to try this idea for your business? Who is stopping you? No one and yes it creates the best contests where prospects have no choice but to click on your contests and this chance is good to get their email IDs for your email campaign. 

  • Isn’t it a great idea to organize a video tutorial?

Earlier no one applied for this idea to get the email address for their email campaign activity and now we are hundred percent sure you will strive this first in this task. Organizing tutorial videos for the prospects means you are solving their issues regarding business work and they will ask questions for you there. 

Not only this, but you also have a brilliant chance here to grab their email addresses and strengthen your relationship with them. How many of you build their dream of reaching towards their future clients? Now the situation is possible.

email conference through video
  • The best is to try Scrolling Box

Okay, many of you don’t want to use standard pop-up for this task, so we suggest you to strive for Scrolling Box today which always appears when the visitors on your website scroll down to the landing page. 

Here what you have to do is make a compelling and catchy message where visitors of your website watch that first instead of other content. Work on this because a visitor will never close that form if you create content on that form worth it to read. And yes, they will fill their information there as to collect email addresses of prospects, it is also a good idea.

  • Create forms by using Facebook Ads

Already told you that social media are holistic platforms to grab email addresses of the prospects for the email campaign work activity. One of the platforms we would mention here is popularly known as social media giant called “Facebook” where if you create sign-up forms in Facebook ads then it’s a good decision because the cost is less of ads in comparison with the technology giant “Google”. 

The platform like Facebook starts its role by target ads based on audiences using gender, age, etc. Moreover, it’s a good decision when you promote the quality of content on this platform because it will assist you in getting email address promptly.

facebook ads
  • You can ask straight to them

Well, when you are talking to them via mobile phone or texting them on SMS, ask them straightly about their email address and phone number regarding your business work. Yes, the method is simple but it is not so bad because you are talking about the business and want to show your business brand and services, so asking them straight about their email address and sharing their business details is also a relevant idea which you can adapt.

  • Try to create a pop-up to present when closing 

We don’t know about you personally but most of the visitors don’t like whenever a pop-up appears on their screen. Do you know what they do? They just minimize that pop-up, close that pop-up or yes, they do one more thing and that is close that website. 

We have a suggestion for you to work on newsletter sign-up and a pop-up appears when someone closes the page or website. It feels like they searched or purchased what they want and it will not annoy them. Think like a visitor here!

email po-up
  • How many of you send physical products?

We guess there were many of you who work on this regarding sending physical products to their clients. This is okay but your motive is to get their email address easily so what will you do here? Any idea? 

Just remember that if you create a note in the package of the products that you sell then it’s a good decision that you made because you are informing in that note about how to subscribe for your email. You can also alert them with information about future coming discounts and surprising offers. They can contact you and your motive is done to collect email addresses.

  • Sharing sign-up form with the best content

So if your business is about selling the products to their clients and new prospects then, of course, you launched plenty of products most of the time. Now for the next time if you launch any product and you have written the best content according to you, share the newsletter sign-up form there. The product is new and you are presenting the fresh content for them, so you are playing smartly if you share that form there because you never know you will get the email address of the visitors after they watched your product and content that you shared properly. Use that email address for your email campaign work after that.

email content marketing

To sum up

Collecting email addresses is not a tedious task of business and don’t think collect email addresses is bugbear as it sounds because it is one of the crucial activities that can help you to grow your business in the market. If you have set up the email marketing campaign then to whom you will send your work if you don’t have their email addresses? This is especially for those who are a novice in the business field and ready to build their name everywhere. Many users know the importance but they made plenty of mistakes earlier by not understanding how to grab the email address of the customers easily. We solved their problem by sharing exceptional tips on what they need to do. Now start working on this task and we hope that you get numerous emails from now onwards and it builds your business stronger.

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