
Integrate Business Intelligence Tools with SuiteCRM. Why?

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: January 24, 2025

5 minutes

Not paying enough attention to your company data can prove to be quite a big mistake. Giving your data the attention that it deserves allows your business to grow and reach new heights. Businesses that continue to grow and expand are those that pay attention to data. In order to gain a better understanding, one must learn about business intelligence tools. Let us learn more

Business Intelligence

Business intelligence is a platform that includes all the necessary information related to processes and its business practices and it also helps to analyze data and create awareness. That makes business intelligence a tool that gives users access to all the information of the company. Businesses gain a better understanding of their functionality and are able to make more sound decisions with the help of business intelligence. Apart from business intelligence, there are other tools that assist in the daily operations of businesses such as CRM and SuiteCRM. 

SuiteCRM Platform

SuiteCRM is a platform utilized to gather customer data and through the process of customization and integration, it allows users to gain deeper insights into customer behavior and interaction. Information collected through CRM proves to be quite useful for the sales and the marketing department to devise their business strategies and target their audience with more personalized communication. SuiteCRM integration with Business intelligence further enhances its ability to gather information. 

SuiteCRM Integration with Business Intelligence Tools

Here are some of the business intelligence tools that have been developed over the course of time. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Spreadsheets
  • Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
  • Data Warehousing
  • Dashboards
  • Data Mining

Default tools that are available in the SuiteCRM store have certain restrictions and limitations and they often do not meet the requirements for the users. However, businesses can utilize various third-party BI tools that provide assistance in gathering useful data and further enhances your business. 

Here are some of those third-party tools:

  • SAS
  • Jaspersoft
  • Dundas
  • GoodData

The integration of such tools can be achieved through SuiteCRM integration and upon completion of these tools. A combination of information from these BI tools and customer data from SuiteCRM can give businesses an added advantage and help with overall growth.

Benefits of SuiteCRM Integration with Business Intelligence

As explained earlier business intelligence tools along with your SuiteCRM can help you gain access to various beneficial information that will help you make more profitable decisions. However, there is more to it than just that. In order to gain a better understanding, we will elaborate on this topic.

Business grwoth

Keep Track of Your Growth

Keeping a track of the company’s growth is one of the most prominent features of the BI tool. Data comparison can be done with your past achievements, forecasts, and budgets. In order to better evaluate the growth process. It also allows users to make decisions at the right time with the help of the useful data gathered.

Keep a track of Your Competition

One of the many benefits of business intelligence includes its ability to analyze the growth of your competition. By doing so you can make decisions in the future and avoid any mishaps that can hinder your growth and give you an added advantage. That is why business intelligence gives companies the edge they need to stay ahead of the competition. 

Utilize your Full Potential

Business intelligence provides valuable information regarding the growth of your business and the current market situation. This allows businesses to better utilize their resources and further enhance their abilities. This helps businesses to learn about their strengths and weaknesses and further enhance their ability to perform. This helps saves time and increases profit.

Make Effective Decisions

Business intelligence tools provide useful reports to various departments to better manage their Businesses such as KPIs, STEEPLE, SWOT and market analysis. Businesses can make more profitable and actionable decisions when this information is available to them is reports or charts.

Higher Profit Margins

By utilizing your full potential and make more useful and profitable decisions. When you are well aware of the market conditions and the needs and demands of your customers, businesses can focus more on the potential leads and convert them into sales.

Businesses can also manage their investment and cut costs where needed and increases profit and generate more revenue.

Changing Trends

The business intelligence tool is going to witness many changes in the coming future. Some of which consist of network advancement, collaboration, and data-centric practices. Network advancement can result in introducing certain new methods that might replace the previous one. These newly introduced changes can become essential to the functioning of your business. By collaborating with different departments will be able to utilize and analyze data better and make useful and profitable decisions that benefit the business. 

Changing Trends

Data-centric practices are now at the core of every business strategy. Data utilization is going to drive the performance of all the departments and will play a major role in overall performance and growth. 

Now we are going to discuss one of the major advancements in the world of technology, that will have a major effect on the way businesses function. Artificial intelligence will be the most powerful tool used to better utilize and analyze data to further develop business strategies.

The job data analyzation will become far much more efficient and even individuals with little knowledge will be able to put the information to better use with the help of AI. This will revolutionize the way businesses function in the future and how they utilize their data. AI will further advance the growth of your business and increase profitability.

In Conclusion

“Business Intelligence gives you an added advantage and allows you to utilize your potential to the fullest. The business intelligence tool is proving to be highly beneficial and its integration with SuiteCRM will allow your business to reach new heights and make more profitable and actionable decisions. Investment in both AI and Business intelligence is going to prove highly beneficial as it is the demand of the future. “

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