
Best Practices for SuiteCRM Customization

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

3 minutes

We are well aware of some of the challenges in SuiteCRM development. There are a few difficulties that one might face with the SuiteCRM development process. If there are any shortcomings in the development phase it can make your SuiteCRM useless for your business requirements. By utilizing the best practices for SuiteCRM customization one can avoid such mishaps. Best practices for SuiteCRM customization clearly layout the method and procedure of how such tasks need to be executed. With experience and practice, these method tasks and procedures can be implemented accurately.

Let us discuss some of these methods and procedures in SuiteCRM development:

Be Aware of The Usage

Before initiating the development of the SuiteCRM one needs to have a clear understanding of its use and application. When you have a clear understanding of its use and application, you can better plan and execute its completion more effectively and efficiently. In accordance with its usage custom modules, workflows and field relationships will be developed. Such an approach helps to optimize SuiteCRM according to your business requirements.

Test Customization on Test Instances

SuiteCRM customizations on an ongoing instance can cause some hiccups and hurdles are common and customizing a live instance directly is not an ideal approach. An ideal approach towards SuiteCRM customization is to first test the customization on test instances before implementing them onto a live instance. 

Maintain a Backup for the Code

Another preferred method is the usage of version control systems when developing Customized SuiteCRM business solutions.

By doing so you can keep a track of the changes in the base CRM codes and when needed changes can be brought back. Version controls like Git are also used to test or make changes to a live instance. 

Select the Modules to be Used the Most

Hiding some modules in a SuiteCRM also makes it easier to use since all the modules are not put in use all the time. In a default SuiteCRM, all the modules are on display and it is preferred to hide modules that are used the least. It helps users to prioritize their usage and helps save time and effort. It also increases productivity and overall growth. 

Introduce Automation

Much emphasis needs to be given to the automation functionalities when customizing SuiteCRM. In the beginning, certain automated workflows might not seem so important. However, it proves to be quite beneficial in the long run. Which helps achieve the goal of SuiteCRM customization

Integration of Analytics and Data Tools

One of the main aims of the SuiteCRM customization is to gain deeper insights into customer interaction. Data tools can help analyze and evaluate customer information, which helps businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers. That makes integration of such tools a top priority for the developer of the SuiteCRM, considerably increasing the size of the customer database. 

Integration of Analytics

Constant Tests and Checks

For the development of large projects, the agile approach of software development is put to use. In order to make sure that the instance meets the business requirements of the client, tests and checks need to take place constantly on an instance. Normally the final product is tested only after the project is completed. However this approach suits smaller projects, so it is recommended that the developers should utilize the agile approach.

Use Best Practices for SuiteCRM Customizations

Like any other project that one undertakes, one is bound to face certain challenges and hurdles in the process of development and customization as well. So in order to avoid such mishaps and discrepancies, developers need to follow the best practices and methodologies. Here we have discussed some of the best practices for the seamless development of your SuiteCRM. 

Outright Store has decades of experience in delivering SuiteCRM Development Services. Contact our support staff today and we will be glad to assist you.

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