
Weekly Tech News of May Third Week 2024

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Last Updated: May 30, 2024

2 minutes

Get Ghat CPT 4 For Free | New Update Coming Out From Open AI’s Spring Update

ChatGPT 4o

This week, the company’s Spring Updates event featured the announcement of Open AI’s newest flagship model, ChatGPT 4o. According to the business, GPT 4o has intelligence comparable to GPT 4 but with faster processing speeds and improved text, voice, and vision capabilities. It will be available to all users for free.

This model is a better GPT 4 model. According to OpenAI, GPT 4o provides GPT 4-level intelligence, but with faster processing speeds and improved text, voice, and visual capabilities. With the ability to accept any combination of text, voice, image, and video as input and produce any combination of text, audio, and image outputs, OpenAI argues that this version is a step towards far more natural human-computer interaction.

Google I/O 2024 Updates | Google’s Latest Accouncement For Tech Industry

Google I/O

By Google’s reckoning, AI received over 120 mentions during the company’s annual developers conference, Google I/O. The customary updates on new software features that the company believes the developer community will benefit from were made, and Google showcased how it is utilizing the technology, showcasing AI in search and in Android 15 (which is presently in beta). 

As a result of the numerous improvements to its fundamental AI tools, including DeepMind and Gemini, Google CEO Sundar Pichai referred to this period as “the Gemini era.” New programs like Ask Photos, AI Overviews, Imagen 3, and many others utilize upgrades.

Humanoid Robot Just For 16k Dollars | Unitree Robotics Introduces At ICRA 2024

Unitree Robotics

At ICRA 2024, Unitree Robotics debuted its most recent generation G1 humanoid robot. First unveiled in 2023, the original Unitree H1 humanoid gained notoriety through a series of videos showcasing its ability to walk and balance.

At CES 2024, the Unitree exhibit was crowded the entire time, but the Unitree H1 demo was a big hit. In April, Unitree brought the H1 to the NVIDIA GTC, where the robot navigated the congested aisles.

In the early days of the humanoid race, Unitree rose to fame as the first robot to walk around in public untethered, demonstrating confidence in its ability to balance and stand without tripping over anyone.

Microsoft Reveals 2024 is the Year of AI in the Workplace | 75 % Of Workers Utilizing AI Capabilities Worldwide


The year AI at work becomes a reality is 2024. In the past six months, the use of generative AI has almost increased, with 75% of knowledge workers worldwide utilizing it. Additionally, workers who are having a hard time keeping up with the volume and pace of labor are bringing their own AI to work. Though many leaders feel their organization lacks a plan and vision to move from individual impact to utilizing AI to drive the bottom line, they nevertheless acknowledge that AI is a commercial imperative. Even while AI is inevitable, the demand to demonstrate a quick return on investment is rendering leaders inert.

Moving past experimentation to business change is the difficult part of every tech disruption, and here we are. Business transformation has widespread adoption, as we have seen with the introduction of the internet and personal computers. Businesses will succeed if they use AI to manage expenses, promote growth, and provide customers with more value.

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