
Transactional Emails can Improve Customer Experience. How?

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: March 31, 2023

7 minutes

An Awe-Inspiring way to improve Customer experience today can be possible through sending Transactional Emails. 

Daily, we get emails based on Reset password, Abandoned Cart, etc. These are the Transactional emails that are sent automatically to a customer when they take any specific action. Don’t even think of comparing it with Marketing emails. It is quite different from that. But using Transactional type emails help in building Customer trust because you curate every Stepping stone stronger for them. They can trust in a Company more easily. 

Nevertheless, we believe sharing a Transactional email definition is critical to make everything Crystal clear. Plus we have lots of Examples here. We will start with the basics. 

What is Transactional Email? 

Transactional email is an automated email that is sent to all customers who take action on your business website or mobile application. Such vital emails are user-triggered and automated emails of firms for the customers. 

A user sends from the Transactional mail services. Do you have any service? Let us inform you that leveraging Amazon SES or SendGrid can help you here and it saves a copious amount of time for every individual. 

Real-life scenario: A CRM company has SugarCRM software Products on the website. One day they saw that a prospect came and added a product to their cart. He didn’t complete the whole purchase properly and left the website. Now the CRM business team decided to build an email and will share with that prospect by reminding them what they left in the Cart and will induce them to purchase too. 

Have you understood this scenario above? This is a Transactional email type. A holistic method too for re-engaging with the customer and making everything possible to get a Sale. 

Spoiler Alert:

  • An open rate of Email Transactional is between 40-50%
  • Click Rate of such email is 20%
  • An open rate of this email is 8 times more than a Promotional email
  • An Average Revenue per Email of Transactional is 2-5x
Transactional email

Some more Benefits of Email Transactional for Businesses and Customers

  • When customers are getting all key information from a business they feel more safe and secure. Customers are getting critical information at every step via Transactional email and following properly means they have faith in you. The significance of this email is burning all the issues the customers are facing from your company. 
  • Another effective strategy you can get success from this email is Brand recognition. Share such emails with your customers and present the Brand elements there. It is a wonderful idea to catch the attention of customers. All those who purchase from you will always remember your business in the future and perhaps recommend others to shop from you. 
  • It will be a Phenomenal idea if you strive for sending product ads on Transactional type emails. Such advertisements ensure that customers look at them and few can buy those supplementary products from your website. This can improve your Profit figure and boost up sales clearly. What are you waiting for? 

However, many companies do believe that marketing emails and Transactional emails are similar to each other. Are you in the same boat? If yes, make sure not to skip the below paragraph. 

Difference between Marketing emails and Transactional Emails

Many adept businesses believe both are similar, but let us clear you all about this concept. The term Marketing email is something a business shares based on commercial content to the subscriber lists. Such email is shared with recipients only with the motive to convert them into leads. Firms fire off the Marketing type emails on a specific period. The fact is all firms share Marketing type emails by following all local laws. They flash their emails with those who opted in. 

Ready to know about the second platform now? Are you curious about it? 

Transactional type emails are sent to recipients on the basis of their unique behavior. When they perform anything on your website or mobile app, they receive an email. Suppose if a customer purchases SuiteCRM Plugins from your firm then you share a “Confirmation email” with him/her. This is what Email Transactional is for your company. You share Marketing emails in bulk, but email transactions are quite different here. 

What about the Content here? 

Ask from any business and they will tell you the team of their company uses content on Marketing email that is promotional in nature. Whereas, a business goes for informational and functional type content when they are sharing Transactional type emails. 

Where can Transactional Email help companies?

We have many examples to unlock here. All are prevalent but important for companies to share with the customers. Let see all those-

Account Creation Email

If some new prospects create an account or sign-up for your website or mobile application, you send Email Transactional to them. The prospects believe they should do business with you so they are ready to get connected and will sign-up.

Your task is to share an email with the confirmation by saying that the account is created successfully. Also, guide them through email about what’s the next stepping stone they need to follow. 

Transactional email

Password Reset Email

Looking to brush up on other Transactional Emails examples? We have the second most paramount one for you to know. Customers sometimes forgot the password to log in. They get an email in the inbox with the link of resting a strong new password.

Customer trust on this because of all iron-tight security. Such emails are indispensable to share with customers so that they can access their accounts again if they forgot the log-in credentials. Make sure this is not skipped! 

Transactional emails

Order Confirmation Email

Ask from every E-commerce business about this email. They will guide you on all the importance of sharing Order Confirmation emails. In this email, you need to include the following details: item details, shipping address, billing details, pricing breakdown, and the list goes on.

It is very important for a customer to know whether all are accurate or not. Furthermore, this kind of email created an opportunity for a business to apply Cross-selling and Up-selling techniques. A business can show related products where customers can find it fascinating to buy. Again, don’t miss it!

Transactional emails

Shipping Status Email

Be in the place of a customer and think how annoying the situation it is when waiting for the order to get delivered. Many firms apply for shipping status email sharing with the customers. Are you? If not, you may lose the customer very soon.

Sharing such emails helps customers that their order is on the way and soon they will get it. For remarkable customer experience, nothing is Greater than Shipping status email sharing with customers. This email is a complete example of managing customer expectations. 

Transactional emails

What Things to Avoid in the Email Transactional process?

Well, it feels like a simple process but not that much. Many make mistakes while sharing. See the below points that you need to avoid before preparing this email for sharing. 

  • The first is Insufficient Transactional data. We have seen numerous businesses make this mistake and play a blame game on others for losing a customer. Many miss the price sharing, lack of product content, not mentioning toll-free numbers, and the list goes on. These are the mistakes we generally made and that’s why we see customer engagement downfall.
  • Sharing Sale reference in Subject Line on email. Another biggest mistake that tarnishes our brand reputation. Like we share informational emails and use 30% off Sales on the subject line. Well, if you are preparing transactional-type emails, this strategy you need to eliminate for sure. This sounds unprofessional in front of the customers. Please avoid this!
  • Such emails are very crucial because it is about their order shipping, password reset, log-in details, etc. So, if the layout is not user-friendly then customers may feel annoyed. Always remember one thing: a convoluted layout can do nothing except confusing the customers. Please check properly before sending to the customer and be in the place of the customer to watch out all things. 
  • Are you acquainted with email sharing with the customers? Have you ever shared half transactional type email and the rest of the information regarding Marketing? An awful way to win the heart of your customers. Make sure to eliminate this strategy because it will give you nothing. Marketing should be done separately. Mixing both in the same email should not be followed for all-size businesses. 

Final Synopsis: We see our inbox daily full of Card abandonment or creating account emails. Have you? It is not a Marketing strategy. We call it Transactional emails that share such content when you take action on a company’s website or mobile application. It has a higher number of open rates than other emails. This indicates how powerful email sharing it is for both businesses and customers. Above we open a box full of advantages of it with some examples where it is useful. Not applied for this email sharing type? You will now get to know what you lost. Good luck! 

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