
How to create Target List In SuiteCRM

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: May 5, 2022

1 minute

The Target List in SuiteCRM module is a group of people or individuals you want to exclude or include in an Email Campaign. It is a list of those people whom you want to send emails through Campaign, you can create a different-2 target for the different-2 email campaigns.

Target Lists Actions -:

You can ingress the List Actions from the dropdown module. Dropdown actions are as follows-:

  • Create List -: A new form will open in Edit View for creating, fill all the important details to create a list.
  • View List -: Open with the detail view of the list module and add the members from the Subpanels.

To run an Email Campaign in SuiteCRM you would require two types of the list.

  • Test
  • Default

Test -: In the Test type, you will enter only those records whom you want to send a test email to ensure that your template and content is in the right format.

Default -: The Default type contains all the record of those people whom you want to run an Email Campaign.

Example -: Suppose you want to run a welcome email campaign for new contact of CRM then you will create a default type list where you will add an only new contact.

How to Create a Target List -:

The step below will go over how to create the list -:

1. Click on the create target list.

create list

   2. Choose the type of list simply.

type list

3.   Select records from the subpanel modules.

subpanel target

Click here to watch Video Tutorial -:

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