
Introduction to Email Automation and with best Tools 2023

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: March 3, 2023

13 minutes

A new talk has been in the headlines that first-class “Email Automation” has enhanced every business size. Its all-encompassing tools are superfine to streamline your business goals and activities. Well, everyone should switch from normal email sending to email automation. We all are fed up with the repetitive marketing process of sending emails one by one to our potential leads. Every day the same task compels you to do this only in lieu of other marketing strategies. Therefore, switching towards email marketing automation is important to get innumerable benefits. Join us on this guided tour of email automation marketing. 

What is Email Automation?

In very simple words, sending an email to one person or a bunch of people automatically at a specified time. Businesses can automate the email at the right time based on different-different conditions as if you want to send an email campaign to dozens of clients at 5 PM on Tuesday then the automation feature assists you here. 

One of your goals of “Building a profitable Email list” is achievable when you strive for Email automation in your organization. This is actually true! This exceptional strategy gives scope to boost your ROI. 

Surprising Statistics of Marketing Email Automation

Any idea?

Sending emails via the Automation feature increases the 60% of Conversion Rate. 

49% of the organizations are already using this function and they are happy to see business productivity improvement.

14.3% is the open rate when you send anything from email while taking the assistance of automation. 

63% of companies perform better than competitors with the help of Email Marketing Automation. 

marketing email automation

Blasting emails manually is not a sustainable long-term strategy. Therefore, the business needs to strive for automation. Even if you are a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software user then you can read out SuiteCRM Marketing Automation separately. The CRM system supports this advanced function for every user. 

How does Email Automation Work? 

Let’s shed some light on this concept for you. Suppose an event is going to happen regarding CRM updates where you will launch everything regarding it. Here the email is triggered as the email about your CRM software will be sent from the Marketing Automation tool that you are using. 

The Timing and the Relevance of email are significant. Therefore, take the help of the automation function and it will share your right email campaign to the right person at the opportune moment. Make sure the information in the email is actual details they wanted from you when they visited your website. 

Remember: Cleaning the Email List is also a crucial part of this. 

 Unparalleled Benefits of Email Marketing Automation 

A quick rundown of the best benefits of email automation. If you want to know its advantages then stick to this article. 

  • Gives a Better Customer Experience all time

Suppose a Real-Estate business sends an email to their potential customer on weekends or Holidays then it’s a signal of a bad customer experience. Like if someone wants something from your organization and you are sending an email about the product that is of no use to them just for promotion then the customer gets frustrated and will never return back. 

email automation

Terrible customer experience halts business growth and productivity. So, the best solution is to adopt Email Automation today. This technology sends an email based on the user action they take. Furthermore, it will not send unwanted emails to all those who unsubscribed. You started your business to share an immaculate experience with your audience so make sure to avail automation email feature. 

  • Get the Reply to your Email on time

Suppose you created an email campaign to flash your SugarCRM Plugins in the market. What is your next strategy then? Sending an Email to dozens of your client army? Well, sending an email is okay but time and day are also important here. You can’t send them at any time or any day. 

You want to boost your relationship with customers and that is possible if you get into a conversation and they will reply to you. This is why you should look for sending time and relevant automatic emails and you will get a reply. Automated emails get a reply on time when you set the email time properly. Start working on this strategy based on your client’s location. 

  • Update your Email Contacts when required

Not only you, but we also ponder that updating the email Contacts is a tedious task. If you share this task with someone then he/she will do this but the time will come when that person also feels like it’s really uninteresting task. Why don’t you give this task to Email marketing automation? Have faith in this technology because its magnetic features can aid you to update your email contacts. 

marketing email automation

Also, it can remove the contact if you don’t want to get in touch with that person as you can keep a close eye on your main customers. We have a suggestion for you. Please choose the accurate automation email tool that has some smart filters. It prevents you from sending emails to the audience who is already in touch with your Sales department. 

  • Want to measure your Email Campaign success?

You searched for every ingenious trick or tip to measure email campaign success when sending emails to your audience. But, unfortunately, you couldn’t find anything. Right? It is a daunting task but technology like email automation marketing helps everyone. How? 

Like if you create an Email Campaign for your SuiteCRM business then after a few days, you can measure your marketing success such as Conversion rate, Unsubscribe rate, Open rate, Bounce rate, and much more. Better for the business of every size to be clear before sending an email the next time. 

Earlier, it was quite difficult for the user to make a clear picture of the overall ROI from the Campaign and they just used the “Guesswork” strategy. Now, no need to get stumped when adapting the marketing email automation in your business. 

  • Email List Up-To-Date to smoothen your work

Is there any requirement of keeping the entire emails that you are not responding to? And the emails that are of no use to your business goals? Well, no need for it, and please take advantage of the automation email here. It will remove all such emails and make your Email Database clear and up-to-date that you wanted. 

email automation software

It is useful for the entire organization. The emails that are bouncing or out-of-date should be cleared, so it is a must for you to adopt this technology of removing unwanted emails from your database. 

  • Time to increase Business Revenue now

Let us elaborate on this with an example: suppose you run your business with SugarCRM Plugins and you saw yesterday good traffic came and they spend time watching your exceptional plugins. The next day you prepared the transactional email for them embedded with every detail. You shared the relevant content the customer wanted in your transactional email. 

You want to increase your sale so you highlighted the delivery date, an offer for them, a link to a free download, and much more. If you do this entire thing properly with no complex process then customers will surely like this and perhaps their next strategy would be purchasing it from your E-commerce CRM store. 

Just remember that transactional emails enable you to get 6 times more revenue in comparison with the normal email-sending process. The Marketing automation email works towards transactional email sending. A huge chance for everybody to uplift business revenue now. 

  • Take the Advantage of Drip Campaign

We are sure that daily you meet numerous audiences who are interested to purchase something from you but are not in a hurry to buy yet. We have curated the best strategy for it where the goal of lead engagement is achievable. Automation email technology introduces the Drip Campaign where you can send a series of emails on a scheduled basis to the audience. 

The role of the Drip Campaign is to highlight awesome strategies and make these leads alive such as answers to every FAQ, Convincing the customer why your product is valuable for their work, getting their pain points on what they are facing, etc. 

Drip Campaign

Suppose you are running your CRM business and you daily operate SuiteCRM software then you must adapt the SuiteCRM Drip Campaign extension. A plugin with loaded functionalities to manage your leads effectively. When using this splendid plugin for your business it gives you profitable features like you can check email status and monitoring progress, targeting users with scheduled emails, best for maintaining relationships with new leads, etc. 

List of useful Email Marketing Automation Tools 2023

Going to do effortless marketing? You must be aware of the best business automation email tools. No need to search for any old-school or finicky software/ tool for customers. Have a look- 

  • Campaign Monitor

On a daily basis, we want to automate the testing and tracking of email campaigns. This is just to save countless hours. After deep research, we found Campaign Monitor the right one to put a spotlight on here first. The Interactive analytic feature is there to review and act on. If you are running your E-commerce business then this tool is for you. You can adapt the functions of CRM Commerce here to enrich your experience. The Pricing plan of this tool starts from $9 per month. 

email automation tools
  • LeadSquared

We have the next compelling email marketing automation tool for your business that is most trending since the last year called LeadSquared. It is wonderful for the lead scoring process as it is outstanding for email automation services. The role of this tool is to combine lead scoring with sales activity. It’s great for your business because you can see business efficiency increasing. You can manage the Sales Pipeline better now and it is perfect for the Finance and Education industry. The Pricing starts from $150/per month. 

email automation tools
  • Marketo

Let’s dive into the pool to get aware of Marketo software and how it is helpful for our organization. The tool of automation email aids you in sharing the trigger email campaign based on more than 40 behaviors. If your buyer’s journey is not understandable then you can go for this tool which makes it quite simple and effective. Tools like Marketo enable you to highlight the channel and marketing revenue that you gained for your business. You can also go for a Product demo here. 

email automation tool
  • HubSpot

We are here to introduce the most demanding tools of email marketing automation then how can we not talk about the number one tool for you? We are talking about HubSpot software here which is an all-in-one-solution to running a business with astonishing speed. It gives you the functionality of Automated workflows that is outstanding to strengthen your email work. The tool is best for the Sales and Marketing business. It is powerful enough to sync with other top-grade platforms to handle your business easily. You can try Free tools for it. 

email automation tools
  • Litmus

We can now render emails to any device. The tool is known as Litmus where you can test the email campaign of 40 clients perfectly and also, and it saves you time. Testing can be done within a minute. Again, we must save it saves your efforts because no need to read the email combination one by one properly. Moreover, every user wants to know the result they get when they do the campaign activity. Litmus can solve this problem by sharing insights with your business team. 

email automation tools
  • Constant Contact

If the readers of this article are amateurs in the field of sending email via automation concept then you must adopt the tool called Constant Contact. The tool is useful for beginners and easy to set up. You will get an abundance of marketing services to fetch more prospects such as event invitations, event tickets, and registration. This tool is providing online training where you can seek much information about it to take your business to the next level. Automation email is very important, so choose the best tool like this. 

email automation tools
  • Sendinblue

Let us unlock something unprecedented and the name of the tool that we are going to share is Sendinblue. The main key role it plays in combining SMS with email automation marketing software. When using it, there is a feature called Drag and Drop. This feature helps you to make engaging emails, segment users, workflows, etc. The tool is really profitable as you can send emails to the audience at the right time and in fact, it enables you to segment your email list promptly.

email marketing automation tool
  • AWeber

Your team did a great job of getting the subscriber to your email list and all are new for your business. Instead of using any primitive tool, adopt the best one called AWeber which provides a Follow-Up function for every user to get the subscriber in your email list more quickly. Not many users like the same product you are selling as you have many options so they like them according to their choice. You can set a category of subscribers now in this tool what they opted for when they visited your website. The pricing of this tool starts from $19 per month. 

email marketing automation tool
  • ConvertKit

The tool can also generate good profit. Invest in the ConvertKit email automation marketing tool which helps you to present accurate content to the accurate person. A better chance to boost your ROI in less time. Here is a feature of ConvertKit subscriber Tag + OptinMonster which helps you to segment your entire emails regarding on-site behavior. If this article is enticing professional bloggers and they are looking to do professional email campaigning then use this vigorous tool. 

email marketing automation tool
  • MailerLite

In a shorter time, set up your fascinating campaign with a drag-and-drop function via the MailerLite tool. How is it going to be more helpful in your campaign work? Get personalized and automated campaigns with some magnetic features when using this email marketing automation tool. Its optimization is superb as it will tell you whether the campaign is performing very well or needs changes. If you want an easy-to-use, simple interface and a professional tool then the answer is MailerLite. The Price of this tool starts from $10 per month. Hope you start your business campaign with this tool first. 

email marketing automation tool

 Important Terms to know before going for Email Automation Marketing

There are some important terms to know if you are looking to plunge into email marketing. Read thoroughly-

  • Subscribe/Opt-In: When the audience is ready to receive emails from your side. It means they are ready to get connected with you. 
  • Double Opt-In: When someone is ready to receive emails from you and you just want to confirm their Opt-in.
  • Spam: When the audience doesn’t opt-in but you and your team send the emails relentlessly. 
  • Unsubscribe: If one of your leads unsubscribes from your email list.
  • Trigger: About the event that is going to happen.
  • CTR: The CTR stands for Click Through Rate which helps you to know how many clicks on the link that you shared via Email. 
  • Bounce Rate: It means the emails that you sent are not delivered. Here, the soft bounce rate is temporary but the hard bounce rate is permanent. 
  • Sequence: Here is the Sequence email sent to the audience after the event happens. It is also significant to share with valuable users. 

Concluding Note: Businesses of every size should know that marketing email automation should start off on the right foot. Those days are long gone when everyone has no other option and they just have to do repetitive email marketing processes one by one. Let’s turn our business format into an advanced one by going for a marketing automation email of today’s time. Above we unlocked “What is Email Automation” and most importantly, “Best Email Automation tools” with some more details to clear your doubts. Let’s implement this strategy together to improve business productivity and efficiency. 

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