
6 exceptional Email Automation workflows to use this year

Author Image By Ashish Dwivedi

Last Updated: December 18, 2023

6 minutes

We have big and smart strategies for email marketing work, what’s yours? Well, you are ready to dive into the pool of email marketing activity, so we hope that you have a list of the strategies that can drive your business towards the goal. But today we wrote this blog to inform you that no matter whatever big or exceptional strategies you are making, please add the Email Automation workflows because no doubt it is one of the best ones. How? 

What are Email Automation workflows?

In very simple words, the term Email Automation workflows are designed and maintained for the organization team where they get to know their day to day task and keep themselves aware of every crucial activity.

It saves your manual efforts. How? Let’s just understand this as you don’t need to send one by one activity to every individual in your business as this Email Automation workflows will play a key role by taking the assistance of automation feature and this minus your efforts. 

The role of this workflow regarding email automation is not ending yet as it will enable the businesses to create the journey that your customer will take. You can do this by making a plan for campaign running where you can get more attention from your customers. This is why we highlighted this as one of the crucial strategies of email marketing that everyone should add to their list. Now we are going to compile a list of workflows related to email automation. Get ready to understand workflows that are more effective and compelling for you. 

List of Email Automation workflows that are fascinating

  • Engaged Again workflows

Sometimes you lose your important customer who earlier engaged with you but now they are not. Perhaps they found someone else, but it’s time to wake up and adapt the workflow called Engaged again. Why? You can send this workflow to those who visited your website earlier and you want them back.  

Also, this workflow is not only just for those who visited in the past but also you can send it to all those customers who have not purchased from your website for a long period of time.

This workflow of email automation is really worth it for your business as it sends something in a perfect way where they can’t ignore you and make their first task to visit you such as articles you can share. Like we understood about the SuiteCRM Workflows before, let’s entail this one in the most important one in your email marketing tactics. 

re-engagement of email workflow
  • Customer retention workflows

So let’s move on to the next greatest and well-known workflows in the business and the name is Customer Retention. Generally, we give our hundred percent in every task so that customers never step away from our business and enter into the doors of our competitors. Nevertheless, a moment can come when a customer leaves you, does not open your email for a long period or the customer fails to pay the invoices. 

This is why we introduce the workflow called Customer Retention for all of you where you can send an email in a normal tone and this makes them feel like you care for them and don’t want to lose them. Furthermore, you can strive for the opportunity like sending a survey where they can fill in the information and you got the hints that where you were wrong. And also, if you share the discount or any big offer then congratulations your decision is good. 

  • Cart Abandonment workflows

Mostly such an email automation workflow is outstanding for the e-commerce sector and we will tell you how. Sometimes the prospects and even the customers complete half of the process to purchase the product from your website but in the end, due to numerous reasons, they cancel the purchase. Are you also facing a similar situation where you don’t have any idea what to do later on? 

This is why you can endeavor for the workflow of email automation called Cart abandonment which is beneficial. You can send them by asking questions about why they left or what they need special in your product. This is the best way to convert the existing customers into the paying customer and your mission of getting the sale will be achieved. 

email automation workflow- abandonment workflow
  • New lead engagement workflows 

Nurturing leads is a daunting task for each one of you because it’s not like firing off messages or sending them something and they will get connected with you. Here we must say that the automation feature will enable you as it will drop the new leads into your campaign that you build-up.

When you have an email automation workflow called new lead engagement then your first task is to send them emails by convincing them that you are the one who can solve their problems. Next, send them an email about your brand personality to flaunt your brand because it gives confidence to prospects to at least visit your website one time. And then your last task is to send an email of a demo-service about your product because the leads want to know your business properly. 

  • Thank You workflows

Customers will be happy if you show your appreciation efforts for them in your own way. But time to go for the advanced concept and this is why we are ready to put the spotlight on Email Automation workflows called Thank You. Suppose you arranged an event and your customers that you gained with your hard work attended that, you can appreciate your customers for participating by sending the Thank You workflow. 

It feels like your relationship with them is not only for the present situation but also you want to keep them lifelong. Sounds great! If the brand doesn’t appreciate the customer then around 68% of them leave that brand. It’s time to show a little bit of effort by appreciating the customers via sending Thank You workflows. 

Email Automation workflows called Thank You
  • New customers workflows

If your motive for getting plenty of customers is achieved then you are the one who is responsible for every activity now. Therefore, you need this superior workflow of New customers which helps you to first send a welcoming email to everyone which highlights how to get in touch with your business easily. 

Moving on to the next best practice where you have to share the user guide, videos, online training, and much more. Also, share the email regarding their education resources such as articles, blogs, etc. Do you have any idea what you will achieve after working on these aspects? Your goal of customer experience and customer loyalty is achieved because everyone knows how important these two are to reinforce the organization. 

customer workflow

Track result

It’s time to stop the confusion and stress by using the automation feature for your business employee where the to-do-task sending process will not be difficult at all. Thanks to the email automation workflow that we introduced above which is the best example for saving tons of time for business users regarding their manual efforts in capturing or doing activities for the leads. Well, we researched and got to know that everyone was aware of this concept but they are clueless about the trending workflows of email automation which can help businesses in every important activity. We learn and get aware of every workflow above with its features so that we can keep our business in a strong position. Use such workflows to turn your customers into loyal clients today.

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